Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Greg Mortenson to Give Talk in Indianapolis!

St. Luke's United Methodist Church should have known by taking on any project involving Greg Mortenson that the numbers of dedicated, passionate and supportive community volunteers would quickly swell to include not only empowered women (and a couple of men) dedicated to girls' education and the prosperity of all peoples, but community leaders from every faith and culture.   Included are the Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist faiths representing cultures from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran,Turkey, and India.  This committee has come up with one idea after another, and what seemed like a relatively simple plan to have an inspiring speaker come and raise money for a vision of global healing soon took on a life of its own.  This "simple" event has catapulted itself into a massive, state-wide, interfaith effort that has given our community, particularly its youth, an opportunity to recognize its potential and come together with a powerful statement of committing to a better world for all.   Not only will Mr. Mortenson speak to a group of 1,100 children at a local school, but that presentation will be available to every school - public and private - in the state of Indiana.  Not only will he speak to the Christian congregation of St. Luke's, but he will reach out to Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and more.  Read full story....

Stones into Schools Presentation, September 27, 2010

Over the past sixteen years, Greg Mortenson, through his non-profit Central Asia Institute (CAI), has worked to promote peace through education by establishing more than 140 schools in the most remote and often volatile regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. His work is chronicled in the best-selling book Three Cups of Tea and his newest book, Stones Into Schools. Tickets for Mortenson's presentation will be available beginning August 15; admission is free.
  • This event will held Monday, September 27, 2010 at 6:30PM in the Sanctuary at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
  • This is a free event; however, tickets are required.  Tickets can be picked up at St. Luke's UMC, Sunday, August 15, 9-noon and Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-5PM or at Beth-El Zedeck starting Monday, August 16. Beth-El Zedeck hours are Monday-Thursday 9AM-4:30PM and Friday 9AM-3PM.  St. Luke's is located at 100 West 86th Street and Beth-El Zedeck is located at 600 West 70th Street.
  • There is a limit of 4 tickets given to any one person.
  • Tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. the night of the event.
  • It is recommended that you arrive by 6:00 p.m. to ensure parking. Parking is accessible off of 86th street and Holiday Drive.
  • We will not be able to seat people after the program begins. Early arrival is encouraged.
  • Books will be on sale the night of the event. The original Three Cups of Tea, the young reader’s version of Three Cups of Tea, Listen to the Wind (for very young reader’s), and Greg’s newest Stones into Schools will all be available.

Special Opportunities at the Evening Presentation

  • Book signing following the presentation.  The Oasis Bookstore will be open this evening and all of Mr. Mortenson's books will be available for purchase.
  • Photographs of life in Pakistan by Asrar Burney will be on display and available for purchase.  Proceeds will go to Mr. Mortenson's non-profit, Central Asia Institute.
  • Display of Three Cups of Tea quilt made by 630 students in the Perry Township. This is one of 14 quilts made.  The others were sent to hang in schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
 Classes and Discussions

Join a St. Luke's Book Study for Stones into Schools: Promoting Peace with Books, Not Bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan with guest facilitators from Pakistan and Afghanistan.  
The four different session options to choose from are listed below.  All four will be held at St. Luke's United Methodist Church. 4 Tuesdays, Sept. 7-28, 7-8:30 pm, Classroom E105.  
  • Facilitator: special guest Walia Hasan, Pakistan American Friendship Association 4 Thursdays, Sept. 9-29, 1-2:30 pm, Parlor.   
  • Facilitator: Phyllis Bybee and special guest Uniqah Muzaffer, Pakistan American Friendship Association 4 Sundays, Sept. 12-Oct. 3, 11am - 12:30 pm, Parlor.   
  • Facilitator: Sandy Clark with special guest Noor Ehsan, Afghanistan 3 Mondays, Sept. 13-Oct. 4, 7-8:30 pm, Classroom E107-109.  
  • Facilitator: special guest Asif Ansari and Faiza Maqsood, Pakistan American Friendship Association       
In this first-person narrative, author Greg Mortenson picks up where Three Cups of Tea left off in 2003, sharing his vision to promote peace through education and literacy by recounting efforts to establish schools for girls in Afghanistan.  Additionally, he tells of his extensive work in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan after a massive earthquake hit the region in 2005 and the unique ways he has built relationships with Islamic clerics, militia commanders, and tribal leaders even as he was dodging shootouts with feuding Afghan warlords and surviving an eight-day armed abduction by the Taliban. 
Join one of the above mentioned discussion groups to learn and share with others in preparation for Mr. Mortenson’s visit to St. Luke’s and the Indianapolis community on Monday, September 27th. Books are available in the Oasis Book and Gift Shop at St. Luke's.  The Oasis is open Sundays 9AM-1PM as well as Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 am - 4 pm.
Childcare available upon request for evening groups
Registration requested.  Register online.
The following bookstores will also participate with book study groups:
  • Big Hat Bookstore, Broad Ripple Contact:  Elizabeth Barden, 202-0203 
  • Borders Bookstore, River Crossing Contact:Rick Branch, 816-0119 
  • Borders Bookstore, Carmel Contact: Anne Young, 843-0450

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